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Online Worship Only Until Further Notice - Join us at 9:30 am for a live-streamed

service from the Sanctuary.

FM 89.7 - The service can be enjoyed from the parking lot and

within a limited range of the church.

Phone-In - You may listen to a recording of the 11 am traditional service

on Wednesday by noon, by calling 641-715-3900 (long-distance rates may apply). 

When prompted for an extension number, enter 587941#. 

Control the playback with: 8=pause/play,

2=reverse, 3=fast forward.   

CD Recording - If you live locally, you may request to have a CD delivered to you each Monday. Contact the church office for more information. 

We can still use volunteers on Sunday. Social distancing and masks are required.




The Difficult Decision To Stop In-Person Worship


The number of COVID-19 cases has been trending up over the last few weeks. Some of these numbers were impacted by care facilities, but we are also experiencing community spread. Our DUMC COVID task force has been monitoring these trends. We feel our safety measures for in-person worship are very strong and safe, and we have an amazing team of volunteers committed to keeping you safe from the parking lot to the sanctuary.  However, worship services will once again go online only starting November 22. At this point, we are projecting to resume in-person worship on January 10, 2021.


We will continue to share live-streaming of worship on Facebook and YouTube at 9:30 am each Sunday. We will also continue to deliver CDs to those who request them through the church office, and broadcast live on 87.9 FM. We will continue to stream the service live because we feel it is a better experience and keeps a certain rhythm to all that we do as a church.


We know that in-person attendance is very important for some, while others are enjoying our online worship experience or parking lot worship. If you want to help and participate with in-person worship, we could use some additional volunteers on Sunday morning.  All skill levels are welcomed and can be used. From liturgy readers to general help, or even assistance with technology, there is a place for you to serve.


How did we come to this decision?

  • Prayer and discernment.

  • When the rolling average of new cases per day rise above 17, we become more concerned about community spread and how our church could play an unintentional part in an outbreak.

  • With Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s festivities, we understand that many will be traveling and likely be in close contact with people outside of our community. 

  • Creating nearly a 2-week cushion after the last holiday gives time for travelers to check for symptoms and/or discover if they have been exposed in their travels.


It is important to remember that many people are asymptomatic and have no idea they have COVID and are going to school, the store, restaurants, work, and church. For this reason wearing a mask when you are around others, remaining six feet apart, using hand sanitizer, washing your hands for twenty seconds, and not touching your eyes or nose with unwashed hands is really important.  Though several people in our congregation have contracted COVID, there has been no transmission or outbreaks at church or through church activities. Our protocols are working in minimizing the risk of transmission.


Other church activities and church groups of less than 25 can continue to meet.  Remember when you are on our property, please make sure you are maintaining six feet of distance between you and others and wear your masks at all times, beginning the moment before you come into the building. This continues to be the best preventative practice anytime you are around other people outside your home.


If you have questions, feel depressed, or lonely, please do not hesitate to contact the church office. Your pastors and staff want to assist you during this holiday season. You are not alone.

© 2023 by Dublin United Methodist Church

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